
My photo
Metro Atlanta, Georgia, United States
I live, laugh and love through my naturally sensual nature and I’m very open and a lover of all things created (knowing that its a part of a universal circle that is also a part of me). I love the mental, visual and verbal pleasures in life; The physical pleasures I seek are a result of these needs being met. The literature I compose fall into several different genres, ranging from sublime political to pure erotica. I love playing with words, ideas and concepts. I’m an “artistic voyeur” with an aggressively creative eye for surreal, abstract and erotic art. I love the sensuality, design, curves and details of the human anatomy. My art forms speaks from deep inside me. It has allowed me to be reborn into a new being- who’s life is solely to create and enhance the beauty in all things we have forgotten.

The Esoteric Expression Of Eroticism....

Friday, March 5, 2010

Who Is "The Worst Rapper Alive?"

::SONG SNIPPET: "Mr. OMG" Snippet.........PLAY>

Definitely NOT this artist- that's for sure. I have had the pleasure of meeting and growing to admire producer, poet, and music recording artist MERO :: The Worst Rapper Alive. I'm proud to be one of the first to interview him, but I know that I won't be the last. This young man has alot of energy and even more so, he has a hell of a lot to share in the world of music. His unique flow, clever word play and cut throat demeanor will always leave him being on my list of creative forces to be reckoned with and the industry is in for quite a rude awakening-- and wake up they will. Follow me as I follow the artist who's "Addicted To Chaos."

This Atlanta native has a real story to tell, involving hardships, drugs, violence, loss of loved ones and struggling in the streets- BUT most importantly, he talks about this in his music with an extra additive- HIS SURVIVAL and UNDYING DETERMINATION TO PREVAIL and become a better individual despite the cards he was dealt. He was shot four (4) times, served in the military, and traveled around the world twice before age 22- so he has seen, heard, endured and is still here to show the world that he's unstoppable. Read below to see the interview I had with this phenomenal artist- I'm sure you'll enjoy the results.

MERO- my deepest appreciation for you and your contribution of the TRUTH....

How separate are you from your music? Not much at all. I write music based on how I feel. Most of my music I have experienced in one way or another. I rap with a lot of emotion and passion and that can not be forced either you feel something or you don't. If you try to force it it comes across as fake and people see right through that.

have you learned from another artist(s) lately? What artist(s) & why? Wow, I have learned that your grind is far more important than your talent. I have learned this by watching the lack of talent that gets put on and is signed and promoted as hip hop/Rap. the more you grind the better your chances are of making it, not the more talented you are, however I think that can be said about ever thing in life. I also think life is all about perception, the way you choose to view things, your perception determines your perspective and your perspective determines your grind. Musically it is no different.

What is the biggest mistake you have ever made and how did it change your life? The Biggest Mistake I made. that's a tuff one. But the biggest mistake I made is just being happy to be here. Being content with the fact that I made out of situations that most people have died from, thinking that made me special. Well it did make me special it granted me the opportunity that most in my situation/environment didn't have, the chance at life. But If I rest on the fact that I Made it through and do nothing else with my life then that opportunity has been waisted on me. So it has inspired me to grind and not take for granted a single breath because nothing is owed to me. I owe the people that won't get this chance to make the most of it.

What are you trying to do to people with your music? Make them say WOW! Whatever wow is them be on a lyrical side or a passionate side or a dance side , just to make them say WOW.

Must music have a relationship to the rest of the world- and if so; How? It must. Music is the soundtrack to Life

Do you see yourself being an icon of the future in music- being known for what? I don't think like that. I believe I have the potential to be but that is not my concern. My thoughts are on making the best music I can and that makes me a better person in the process

How much time and research is invested in your music; Why?
Depends on how you look at it. I have spent a lot of time and research into myself and I put all of myself in my music.

After the release of this album/single/EP, will more follow; What to look forward to and when? More music. I have music for days and that is because I have a passion for it. If it comes to the point where my music is no longer wanted, then I focus on the next generation of artist but I will forever be involved

Do you feel that the youth will be reached through your music; In what way? Yes and no.The youth can be reached by my music by being able to and touch a living example of what can be achieved coming from their environment. However my music is not geared toward the youth, more so geared toward the overcoming of obstacles and the celebration of that overcoming

Where do we look for you- your next show, upcoming projects, websites, TV?
It's still in the works you would have to contact my manager. LOL

Any wise words for your fans, and future fans? BE YOU. Embrace you it's cool to be you, there's room in this world for you.

Any quotes that you live by daily or are your favorite? "By any means necessary."

IN CONCLUSION: Keep an eye out for this individual- his style and readiness for the industry makes him a prime candidate for the a major change in Hiphop culture. His talents exceed even his expectations and he's truly dedicated to his crafts and gives them 150% of his LIFE....

Interview By Kandayia Reign-Ali Afro-cen-clectic Notes Blog & The JaGuD EyE

Booking & More Info For The Worst Rapper Alive ::MERO::

Email: MeroMusicInfo@gmail.com Phone: [404]-748-5419