
My photo
Metro Atlanta, Georgia, United States
I live, laugh and love through my naturally sensual nature and I’m very open and a lover of all things created (knowing that its a part of a universal circle that is also a part of me). I love the mental, visual and verbal pleasures in life; The physical pleasures I seek are a result of these needs being met. The literature I compose fall into several different genres, ranging from sublime political to pure erotica. I love playing with words, ideas and concepts. I’m an “artistic voyeur” with an aggressively creative eye for surreal, abstract and erotic art. I love the sensuality, design, curves and details of the human anatomy. My art forms speaks from deep inside me. It has allowed me to be reborn into a new being- who’s life is solely to create and enhance the beauty in all things we have forgotten.

The Esoteric Expression Of Eroticism....

Friday, November 7, 2008

The Learning Curve :: The Interviewing Of Hashim Conner...

Mr. Hashim Conner...

I have not smiled so much during an interview of anyone until I had a chance to interview the talented author, Hashim Conner. He is a softly spoken, humorous and hansom individual hailing from Detroit Michigan, currently residing in the Metro Atlanta area as of the summer of this year. What I've learned about Mr. Conner is that everyone isn't going to see the same dream that you see for yourself, and that through hard work, patience and perseverance, any and all things are possible.

We conducted a phone interview the night of November the 5th, around 9:30 p.m. via phone conference, where I got up close and personal with Hashim and asked him about his former and current published books; his future in the world of writing and much more. Enjoy the results of the interview as I enjoyed the wonderful responses I received from such great writer.

Hashim is far from your normal writer of ordinary literature- he is more along the lines of a "master piece in the making," or so- I'd say. His second book The Learning Curve was put on the shelves earlier this year and has sold more than 100 copies in a couple of months, paving the way for a larger fan base of readers who will continue this journey with him on his way to greatness.

His love for writing is what primarily gave him the will to become a writer. He has been doing so since high school and with his interest in Language Arts throughout those years, he was ready to embark on a journey which will bring him to where he is today. Contributing to his curiosity for writing was reading a few urban literature books by Zane and a few others here and there. He reflected on how things were when he first started, recalling an event involving his first book published in 2006 entitled Karma. "It was more of a bet that I couldn't write a book. I didn't grow up around people who wanted to be authors, we were into sports mostly; so I kept the fact that I could write to myself." After hearing this, it just shows and proves that he has always been in the creation phase, without anyone else knowing of his intentions to become a superb writer.

When asked who his influences were as far as other writers, he was prompt to speak the names of Zane and Omar Tyrie, among others. His inspiration to writer was contributed to various teachers he had in grade school, while in Detroit. To name a few, Mrs. Weiner of Mumford High, in Detroit, Mrs. Seabron, and his creative writing teacher Ms. Fletcher. His words were that they really gave him the drive to write through their teachings. If he had to have a mentor, Hashim picked Zane, for her ability to create a vision through writing that the readers can see as they are placed in different parts of the book. This is something that he admired the most, and is continuing to put into practice in his own world of writing. Mentioned also were music artists Jay Z, Jill Scott, T.I. Raheem DeVaughn, and Young Geezy as motivation from an audio side of him creating The Learning Curve. They too appear to possess an ability to tell stories and they helped him create his.

Among his unique book collection is his first self-published piece entitled Karma. The cover was done by him as well and inspired by an art piece that caught his eye. This book was the introduction to the Christopher Alexander book series that is currently being constructed by Hashim. This book being written, made Hashim realize that his style in writing was unorthodox and definitely a style of his own. "I am a mood writer. I don't write chapter for chapter, I just write what I feel and put it where I think it should be in the book." When asked about the title of Karma and what inspired him to use it in particular, he said, "Usually I name the book first, then I write around it, but Karma took longer to come up with because I had to write before the title came. My second book "The Learning Curve," was much easier because of me being inspired by my first book. It's like I knew exactly what I wanted to name the second book, while writing the first."


“Karma” it’s all around us affecting our everyday lives, we’re absorbed by it. It’s as real as the air we breathe, and the love we share. Just like the love we feel and the air we breathe it’s going on without being seen. No one is more affected by this than Christopher. After years of sexual escapades, breaking hearts, and in the end ruining good women over and over again, he thought that he had finally found the ONE. There was something different about her, she had a certain realness about herself, she was special. So special in fact that instead of her being head over heels for him like so many others before her, it was the complete opposite. It was she that had him wide open, and in the end it would be him that would have to pick up the pieces of his broken heart, and find a way to go on with his existence.

We are then led to Hashim's second book released this summer, The Learning Curve. This book is more than factitious characters, Hashim says, "The book itself is as real as people are- you can see so much of the experiences we have going on in life today." His urban contemporary style used in this book caters to women, but is definitely knowledge material for a man who will in every page see a part of himself or someone he knows and can relate to what has been written. The cover of this book was first sketched by Lisa Jenkins and later created in color by Marc Margerum. Truly a masterpiece that is a must for all lovers of urban contemporary literature. He encourages all audiences from age 17 and up to read this book because it's the truth in a soft covered book.

The Learning Curve:

Christopher Alexander is back and out for revenge. After having his feelings hurt in an unimaginable way he’s out to make them pay. The only problem is, he plans on making all of women pay for the decision of one woman. Mr. Alexander start The Learning Curve exactly where Karma left off, instead of attempting to put the pieces back together and heal. Christopher dives head first back into a life of sexual encounters, without serious relationships. Turning his sex life into some kind of game that only he knows he’s playing. Running form woman to woman, until he’s broadsided by Ariel who’s playing a game herself. With her indecisiveness she has an impossible task of choosing between Christopher and her ex-man who just won’t quit. Or at least that’s how she portrays the situation. Without much effort at all she has Christopher back in a position that he swore he would never be in again. Little does he know he’s much worse off, than he was with Karma. From the classroom, to the bedroom, Christopher gives us a much deeper look into the exciting life he lives.

What's the lesson learned from a great writer like Hashim Conner? Patience! He says that he's still a work in progress- because he is one of the most impatient people he knows. Its a struggle because he sees the "now" in what he wants to do in his life and it's not like that in the world of writing. He learned that there is more to writing a book than just the author, and you have to work with people to become successful at it. He encourages other writers to do the research and learn as much as they can about being an author and about the publishing business, and just keep writing! "If you write for yourself and from your heart, you will definitely make a lasting impression in the field of literature than writing for the likes of others."

Where can we find this man, his books and more information on book signings and more? Right here of course! Both of his books are currently available at your local Barnes & Nobles Bookstore, Borders, Amazon online, or you can contact him personally via his website to get your copy signed by Hashim himself, sealed and delivered right to your door! Use the information below to connect and stay up-to-date with all of Hashim Conner's events and upcoming books. You can look forward to future titles coming from him by the summer of 2009. To name a few would be The Congregation, The Escort- which will be the 3rd of the Christopher Alexander series and The Price Of Fame, released in that order.

For booking you can visit Hashim online at www.hashimconner.net for his latest news and updates. You may also email him personally at hcconner@yahoo.com for book signings, speaking engagements and book signings.

In closing Hashim had this to say to his fellow faithful readers: "I hope that you enjoy my writing, I put alot of time and love into my work with hopes of changing the lives of others- and I want you to make sure that when you buy any of my books- YOU DON'T LOAN THEM OUT! (Just kidding). Really take in what I'm writing, and see if it doesn't resemble what we are all either going through or have yet to experience."

REMINDER: If you go to Barnes and Nobles and they don't have a copy on hand, they can and will order it for you so please don't leave without getting the book!"

© 2008 Kanday Reign of "Afrocen-Clectic" Notes. All Rights Reserved.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Reprograming Your Thoughts By Autopiloting Them...

Dis iz a tess 2 X pose da' chruth B hine da' hew munz abill it E 2 zub cun chess lee pra Cess in 4 may chin wit owt da' yous ov un da' stnd in nd you sing lang wichez wee yous 2 kim mune ik ate. E vin win U reed dis pas sij, U kin D turmun wat wrdz R B in sell ect ed B cuz ov Ur min tle abill it E 2 Wrek ig neyes wrd azz embull A shun. Et duznt hav 2 meighk N E cense nd steel U unda' stud dis nd cense is mint tall E cree 8 ed. Ef U kin a cheev dis- U muss un da' stnd ur mine iz All waize D crip tng in 4 may chen- loc an yous dis tal int U wele B moore den U eva thawt U cud B. Yous dis mss ej 2 prak tiss. In crip ur on D sirez nd whonce dun- ull C ur celf a cheev G8 suk cess! Ur mnd wele re lae ur golez awt O mat ik LEE. Et whele wrk ur golez N 2 Viz shunz- E vin win U R nt.

With this paragraph, you will be able to find yourself thinking about the message even when you are done reading it! It takes a while, I know, to understand the whole picture at first- but the key is to get your mind in the thought process of seeing things in a different prospective. Once you learn this, your goals will be much easier to achieve due to your ability to envision in a subconscience state. I designed this as a practice tool for my children, so that they can see that we are "trained" to see things a certain way but our minds can still decrypt and process data that we over look- or that at first we don't understand- but later on down the line- we interpret through mental relay of information. TV, music, books, actions, lifestyle, all this can be aligned in our lives to meet our standards and goals- we just have to program them in so that we are thinking of them without us "really" thinking at all!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Confronting Your Inner Demons

Art000083, originally uploaded by Kanday's Cre8tiveJuzes.

Intro: Life for me has had it's ups and downs- and I'm one of the lucky ones to be able to stand and say that I'm truly blessed for what God has bestowed upon me throughout my life. Even when I didn't quite understand what in the hell was going on, and didn't have clue about what direction I needed to go in to make things right, I still knew, as I do now that there was a higher calling on my life. Everything around me, my children, my lover, my family, friends and enemies- they are all part of a big picture and at first I had a hard time looking at things as such. It was due to my own judgment of them, and my willingness to try to move on with grudges and anger still in my heart... I learned through time to allow myself to love despite the past, and no matter how it hurts, THERE IS a common ground that you can reach in order to heal the open wounds. It had to start with me-- and now, I'm sharing it with you.

Have you ever had a family member or friend who was just STUPID & VENGEFUL? Let me be more descriptive with my statement: Someone who that does the most mean and degrading things to you- claim that they love you, and still continues to do the same things over and over again without even acknowledging that what they are doing is wrong and is hurting you. It sickens you sometimes that they never seem to apologize for what they did in the past before doing something new! Well, I know your pain... Most of us share it right now- and we don't know how to even look at these people sometimes and tend to distance ourselves from them.

Honestly, life seems hard enough having to deal with your own problems and hang-ups, so why is this person so determined to be on your bad side; why do they want to hurt you? My answer to you is: They have no damn clue for real! Even if it seems like they sat up for a month and planned every action down to the last word and gesture- in all actuality, they will never know the pain they can, will and have caused- due to their own lack of compassion and understanding of themselves.

I used to be the one who would mirror what I get- meaning if you were an ass-- guess what: RIGHT BACK ATCHA' BUDDY! It felt good at the time, even felt like I got even in most cases. In all actuality, as time went on, I realized that it hurt allot of people. It didn't take me getting hurt, or losing a loved one- it took me becoming a seeker, learning to love things- simple things, and progressed to loving myself, and appreciating my blessings and people around me. Once I learned to love- it gave me that drive to look deeper than what a person says- but more of what they did both before, during and after the incident occurred. Actions are very important- feeling the person's energy source is a key in determining how to address them, and how to deal in life. I've been a spirit driven person all my life, but one most important spirit that I didn't monitor was my own. Once you learn to look at yourself when things go bad, and re-evaluate the situation and see where you could have made things go differently; but if you never learn, you'll be pissed off all the damn time! It takes a strong minded person to set boundaries and not cross them- we all fall short of things we say we "will never- ever do again" and find ourselves doing those things. Why is that? Is it the people in my life, and the reason they are in my life? DO I try to make amends and not even wait to see if they will realize that they were wrong- better yet-- do I have a lifetime to wait for something that may never occur in my lifetime or theirs? Ask yourself these questions- search your heart- and find the answers.

I'm still dealing with alot of things about myself and situations in my life that I could have done differently- but due to it being the past, I just have to acknowledge that they were done, make amends and move on. We want to start over alot- but with what- from what- and is it a reliable and realistic reason for doing so? I don't care how much "forgive and forget" is preached- it can't be done successfully- the human mind and heart is a life-long recorder- a timeline even, recording events experienced and seen by the human eye, heard by the human ears and felt by the human body. If you have been through it once, that's all it takes to create in you a reflex gesture towards future similar experiences even before they occur. We use logic when it comes to our hurt and pain- we remember the tearing out of our hearts, and the scratching or our eyes that caused us to react negatively- "If it looks like a duck- clucks like a duck- then it's a duck!" That's how we view the bad- "If it seems to be going in the same direction that I felt and experienced before, my body is going to react this way- so now I need to have my defenses up- just in case."

In reality, there is no "just in case phase" we lock the person out before we give them a chance to perform the act. We don't want to get caught up. We find ourselves building this wall of anger, and it frustrates us to even deal with the person we feel this towards. Once anger and frustration are introduced into ANY relationship in life- it's hard to see the person in a different light- or it seems that way. We are told to give the person a second chance and we scream- Hell NO! You don't want to repeat the situation over and over with this person- not knowing you just gave them the energy to continue to be this dark force in your life- with or without their presence- they still have hurt you- you turned away from them, and you are stuck with this memory and feeling towards them that plagues your life for as long as it's not addressed- sometimes a lifetime.

The key element to making things different in your life, and in your relationships with anyone- including those who you don't want to deal with anymore is YOU... Once you change your mental train of thought, it's not easy sometimes- I know- but it's worth trying. Certain things can be avoided, others can't- but you have to channel into yourself and determine the outcome from your end of the situation. Never mind if they know what they did or not- if it hurts you- let them know- there are two things that can come of that: They apologize and it can be discussed OR They say "f- you" and you're left with the decision as to whether or not to deal with them. Remember though- they have done damage- but you can heal from it. By letting them know was the first step! If they address it from then on- at least they knew- and now you can rest easier with the knowledge that you did something besides hold this grudge all your life. Even if you are SURE that they know what they did- remember things happen and some people do things without any second thoughts of the consequences of their actions.

Sometimes we run across people who are just plain ole' angry- and they hurt everyone they meet. When approaching this in life and people of this nature, keep in mind that there was a source to their feeling- and learning more about them may help to address the confusion between you that person- sometimes it doesn't work. If you continue to choose the negative side, and not open your heart to learning about yourself, and your spirituality- you are setting yourself up to repeat this throughout your life. Who wants that? Address your issues- confront yourself and challenge yourself to come to terms with the situation and make amends. If not, you can never grow into what you really have the potential to be- and live a long and healthy life and have long and healthy relationships with people in the future. The change begins with you- "forgive and forget"- No- but express - discuss- and possibly make amends. If you can not draw a conclusion- you've got the ok to move on with your life and seek those things that make you most happy. Feed those things most if not all of your energy and everything else that occurs and that has occurred in your life will seem to fade away.

At My Wit's End.... Rambling & Art

Fortunate of me to have he - I mean him come into my life

Every time he looks at me- I forget about my past strife-

What he sees in me, I will never really begin to understand it-

My love for him came freely, He didn't have to demand it.

I did what he commanded and let go of what could have killed me-

He helped me open my eyes to my future and what I will see....

He gave me no more endless nites of lonesomeness-

Not as long as he's next to me- I can lay my head in his chest.

And breathe........

Final ly I can do that without it being because of exhaustion-

He broke me out of that coffin - and I begin to rise- live

Damn- why so sacrificial for me?

Then I feel him tighten up his arms around me--

I can feel his heartbeat- sense his need for me-

Know that if could let things go- this can truly be-

The perfect lovers' destiny.....

He knows what he wants- and he knows it's me-

But I'm out of my mind at this moment in time.

He says he'll wait- and that this is just fine.

So long as when we kiss the way we do-

Breathing into and out of one another,

Touching, and feeling without hands-

Just our hearts and souls- and afterward

It's me that he holds........

I can grant him that- for now- until my heart

Has time to mend........

I'm living for the moment,

The now, the present with a true best friend-

Knowing what I want- but still confused

Feeling like I'm at my wit's end....

&copy 2008 Kanday Reign All Rights Reserved.

Monday, November 3, 2008

One Fam Spot! Come Join Us!

Come network and build as a community with some of hip hop's talented artists and friends.

Kanday's Pix: Jahi Ft. Dwele "On My Own"

This is definitely a favorite pick of mine! This song has featured vocals by one of my favorite artists in the whole world, Dwele, as he lays it out mellow along side Jahi.

Sometimes we need to get out and just allow the world around us to keep moving while we sit still and recoop. In Jahi's verses, he talks about different scenarios that take place in most of our lives making this song something just about all of us can relate to. His style is smooth, sleek and very detailed oriented. No wonder why Dwele collaborated on this track. It's a musical master piece.

Jahi & Dwele

When you want to mellow out, draw in to yourself and put everything else on pause- play this song....

Beautifully written, wonderful video, talented artists and one song that I loop over and over again when I'm feeling the trials of the day creeping in.


Universal Beings (Ramblings)

Art000030, originally uploaded by Kanday's Cre8tiveJuzes.

Everything exists in divine order. I teach my students and clients that everything in this world is a part of you- existing in, around and through you. Once the human anatomy is broken down to the smallest molecule, it is nothing more than energy- a powerful energy that could change the world around it.

We must look at what we do to ourselves, to our surroundings and to other people. Knowing that we exist on a plane that can only be measured as an explosive energy that can more than light up a few city blocks, should place us in a realm to make changes in our lives that will reflect a more positive energy source to the world.

All power is in our hands- it's what we do with it that predicts the final out come. We can change the way the world is perceived with just our minds alone. This is something that alot of us don't know, and so many more are afraid to take the responsibility of making a difference with.

"The Natural order of the U-n-I-verse."
You should not seperate yourself from that which gives order to your life

Just Because :: Ode' To Women (Spokenword Piece) By Kanday Reign

Just because you went that extra mile to make sure I stayed out of trouble-

When I was-- you still stayed near- true to your purpose--

True to your being--

your creation is a priceless design...

You are no match for anyone- and my love for you--

reflects the love you

FIRST had for me--

allowing God to use your vessel to bring forth life...

I know the transitions and trials I put you thru were hard-

but you stood firm-

Gave me a foundation- stability was found in you--

even when your world was in chaos.

At nite, I would hear you cry--

asking for blessings that seemed far fetched--

I didn't understand then- but now-

I have matured and found out that you just cared

No matter what I did, I was a part of you-

and you never wanted me to suffer-

Never wanted me to see pain-

agony and the truth about this world--

Even though, you knew I would...

I pour out my heart, and ramble on like this,

cause this is never said--

We just think it- and it's not fair to you!

You have been able to stand in the gap

For many years-

because you were designed to carry not only your worries and strife

But the weight of the world on your back-

even if you have no man to hold help you stand

"You do it because you have to..."

Your instinct- your God-given nature-

And they wonder why you cry...

Why you are the way you are-

Not knowing that you are a gift-

a find that is rare- always will be--

And that knowing you-

is like knowing the ways of the Creator-

For he loved us enough to create us-

nurture us- guide us-

NO matter what we have become...

You have that same instinct--

We have been blessed,

all of us who have ever had a woman come into our lives-

To give birth to us, to nurture us, to raise us up,

supports us, guide us, protect us,

Feed us, clothe us, confide in us, cheat on us,

yell at us, fight with us, stand by us,

Marry us, laugh with us, cry with us, trust us,

make love to us, just to be in her presence-

No matter the reason- so- her day should as special as her creation...

No matter mother or childless--- She's the closest to heaven-

We will ever know as long as we walk the earth...

© 2008 Kanday Reign All Rights Reserved.

Confirmation Of The Obvious

Signs of who we are and what paths we should take are always present in our day to day lives; It's up to us to hear them- and take them into our spirits and cause things to manifest in our lives according to the plan we have set before us. People who are challenged day-to-day with problems of finance, health, family issues, personal issues, and so forth are not the only "victims of circumstance" that we make them out to be. Your true connection with yourself as a person with real problems, who lives a REAL LIFE is first knowing that you CAN control more in your life than you give yourself credit for.

We have been taught that there are things in your life that you CANNOT control- and that there are things in your life that you are responsible for. For who; and most of all: for what? My only thought could be that we take the time to deprogram ourselves from this train of thought by seeking and educating ourselves on who and what we really are and the power we truly posses to create our own future and dictate our own life's outcome.

EXAMPLE: I have never see a person go through medical school for 8-10 years and not become a Doctor, the same applies for law. Have you? So, if we can set goals and see ourselves being this Doctor or Lawyer- why can't do this with other goals and things in life? Just a thought.


The world is not designed that way- everything is carried out around you in decency and order from the changing of the season- to the growth, education and maturity of our children. Everything exists on levels- you cannot come in this world, and set yourself at the top of the chain of life- UNLESS you come into this world- with every intention on NOT STOPPING until we are there. If you can see yourself- being more- being happier, being healthier-- you have to FIRST SEE THIS HAPPENING IN YOUR LIFE- then listening to the signs around you that will direct you in the direction you should go in order to achieve this successful goal you have set for yourself.

We encounter alot of things in our lifetimes- sorrows through the death of loved ones- depression due to lack of success in our lives- stress from daily living and experiences. Not knowing that we posses the power it takes to manifest a whole new way to look at ourselves, our situations, and the people around us! It's the lack of not being connected with one's self that first
hinders us from being in connection with our gifts to visualize and then manifest these things into existence to better our lives.

We know that death is for certain- no exception to that rule-- you live and you die-- There is no age range- no law on who should live longer than who- NONE OF THAT. We throw ourselves out of alignment with reality when we say that things that are unnecessary-- building this blanket of sorrow that we have created in our lack of the real cause of why the person is not with us anymore. In reality- something prohibited life being able to continue in this person- for whatever reason- they were not able to survive in the body they were given-- do you honestly think that because we wanted them to remain here- that they should have? That you cannot change; BUT your reaction to how you respond to it and the outcome due to you thinking unselfishly is the key to your life getting better and your sorrows being eased.

A loss is a loss right? No matter how big or how small? Well, in reality- YES- but we give everything it's level of importance in our lives which gives us different emotional ties to things and how we react to them. A lie is a lie-- lol. A smile- is a smile. A person is a person. We give titles and descriptions of names to create a difference in how we see each thing and person in our lives. You only know two feelings when you come into this world-- GOOD and BAD. When you couldn't really talk or communicate with your parents as a child- if you cried- they knew you felt bad- or needed something- they assumed hunger, or needing to be changed- cause they were programmed to see things differently and cater to your needs based on definition of these words that were created for these problems. When you laughed or sounded content- all was well in the house yet again- based on them feeling that your needs had been met. You couldn't tell them that they were right- instinct and energy felt from your being gave them the emotional pull to respond to your good or bad feeling with a reaction.


What you do and the definition you give the feelings you have determine your recovery, your redemption, your success... These are feelings that let you know if you're going the right direction and providing yourself with the right visualization of the things that are going on around you- and if you a giving off the correct energy to continue on the right track in your life. We are forces of energy- forces of nature- God Force-- for he created us-- MEANING: we posses powers that we can use to alter any situation- how it is perceived, and handled in our lives. Most of us never see ourselves as being more than what we have become up until this point- not knowing that we can make simple changes starting right now- that will change our lives for the better.

I'm not here to judge you- no one really is here is judge anyone- but the only way you WILL become what you need to be and start living how you are destined to live- is when your visions of you- your life, you health, your situations start speaking louder than that which is in the world around you- and you actual take the time to LISTEN and cater to the them. You are not what you need to be because you are taught limitation-- when life-- your life has NONE...

"Real talk folk!"

Kanday Reign