
My photo
Metro Atlanta, Georgia, United States
I live, laugh and love through my naturally sensual nature and I’m very open and a lover of all things created (knowing that its a part of a universal circle that is also a part of me). I love the mental, visual and verbal pleasures in life; The physical pleasures I seek are a result of these needs being met. The literature I compose fall into several different genres, ranging from sublime political to pure erotica. I love playing with words, ideas and concepts. I’m an “artistic voyeur” with an aggressively creative eye for surreal, abstract and erotic art. I love the sensuality, design, curves and details of the human anatomy. My art forms speaks from deep inside me. It has allowed me to be reborn into a new being- who’s life is solely to create and enhance the beauty in all things we have forgotten.

The Esoteric Expression Of Eroticism....

Friday, December 12, 2008


Pulling out all the stops
all guards dropped as we intertwine in conversation,
sparking curiousity, encouraging the wants for a different level of relation.
You told me that I had you open from the first hello, even though, that was mutual,
we went about it all the usual,
Boy meets Girl, then Man meets Woman,
Fiance's, leading up to plans of a future in marital bliss,
All this came before our first kiss...
As if we knew, just what to say and do, to, make this all come true.
I know that I'm the one for you!
You are the one for me, cause you see, I saw you in my dreams, before WE came to be.
Actually, I saw you, wrote of you, held you in my arms, even when you were not there,
Before I had a face for my feelings, I knew that we would share,
our love, our time, and now, our lives, together, as Husband and Wife.
It's hard to even think of what I'd do if you were not in my life.
Before, the laughter, and all the tears, I spoke of loving you, for many years.
We never saw it coming but now, that we are here,
Let's stay, stand, and build a foundation,
something that when we're gone, will last for many generations.
A monument, made of love and commitment,
Putting foolish pride aside, and making it evident
that what we have is something rare, and everyone will see,
how before you, there was no one else but you,
before now & from now on,
Our foreseen love is now a love that was created for you and me...

Allow Me To Introduce Myself...

I am poetry...

From the way you approached me,

to the lyrics I envoked to thee.

The way I mentally stroke your mentality..

I am poetry....

From the way I lick my lips,

to that stare into your eyes;

When I bring forth words, so discriptive,

you can almost visualize.

You want to touch, what I say,

and do what I instruct.

Most want to feel the vibe,

but they have no such luck...

Not with me...

I am poetry...

From the caramel color of my skin,

to my natural glow that shines from deep within.

I am the next best thing, to a lustful sin,

I am poetry...

From the way my rear fits in my jeans;

to the sway, you watch, with pa$$ionate gleems,

glares, and stares, reach out and touch me...

For I am poetry..

My style is different from others.

I'm your sister, brother, father and mother.

I am everyone in your family tree...

I am poetry...

From the song that birds sing,

with the rise and set of the sun,

to the whips of the wind, before a storm comes,

I am every river, every ocean, every sea,

I am poetry...

Now that

I have introduced myself,

to everyone, from right to left..

The offer's extended to come with me...

Into my world of Poetry...

Untitled- Please Feel Free To Comment With A Title!

I was calm- eyes closed, ready to slip off onto a deep slumber-

only to be wakened by a mind that wonders-

when my eyes first opened- you were the first thought-

the first thing that in my over-whelmed mind was sought.

wondering do we fit, and is so how?

what can I say to this "cat", what will he allow-

me to express his way- to let him know that I'm really interested-

in a different level of his conversation- wanting to build a more

intimate relation- find out what else we have in common-

and act on those impulses, we know that we've felt long before the first hello.

seems as though when I part my lips to release words- he has the ability to know-

my thoughts, their process, the things about him- the qualities he possess-

is something unreal- and I want to continue this journey without worry of time-

not put a measure or speed, wanting to venture in blind...

closing my eyes to jump into his arms- knowing that he's there to catch me-

somehow I know this is for me-

I mean to know him- to grow- to live and let go--

of everything else that has had me unwilling to take a chance-

since knowing him- my look on love and life has been enhanced-

inspiration, he has opened me- verbally-

I really want to explore this new found energy...

The one that has attracted me to such a person- not knowing why-

and not really even caring- just living for the moment to feel his touch-

after hearing such beauty from one individual-

the physical presence is wanted so much!

if that look in his eyes, can be that look I wanted to see,

if that feeling, that person he has made me feel like- is really me!

to see if more than this- a wish, can and will come true-

to see if more than a kiss, pure bliss, can be shared between me and you-

fully functioning from feelings out of my control-

wanting to follow it thru, ready for whatever to unfold,

ready to see- ready to be- ready to let the world know-

what he has done for me...

fortunate to have discovered this- gift,

this alternative medicine that eases the pain...

much thought has been put into this before attempting

want speak his name...

if you can only feel what I'm feeling- then you will know I'm for real...

he is the key "element" to this joy that I feel...

© 2008-09 Kanday Reign - All Rights Reserved.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The Proverbs Challenge......

Ready To Take The Proverbs Challenge?

There is a law that governs over your entire life- Whether you love it, or hate it, whether you choose to ignore it or not; It STILL exists and WILL govern your over life.... Learn the laws and how to accomplish immeasurable balance in your life, health and strength... Power is within every one's reach- just extend your hand....

How strong is your faith walk? Does it matter your religion, or does it matter you actual belief in all aspects of life and it's teachings? Well, I have had this book for almost a year now, began to read it, but got side-tracked. Accident? Nothing ever IS! Everything happens for a reason and at the precise time. Join me as I re-take a look inside the teachings and the revelations of the youngest and most prosperous man is recorded to have ever walked the face of the earth- King Solomon- who became king at just age 12! The book is called: "The Richest Man Who Ever Lived" by Steven K. Scott - forward done by Gary Smalley. This book, accompanied by the book of Proverbs, found in the Bible, has been for years said to hold the keys to success, wealth and happiness in all aspects of life.

Join the few but very famous successors of these teachings- to name a few: Oprah Winfrey, Helen Keller, Steven Spielberg, Bill Gates, Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Edison and even Adolf Hitler. These people have made an everlasting impact on the world as we know it, in one form or another; BUT just as I teach others so many times- "If another body can achieve success- no matter what it is-- YOURS CAN TOO!"

I will be taking you through each of the book's 16 chapters revealing my findings and telling all- I encourage those that seek a change to not give up or give in- find new ways to bring about the positive change you seek in your life. GOOD IS GOOD- WHO CAN ARGUE WITH THAT?

About Steven Scott:

One of the most successful GOD-driven creators of self and spiritual awareness material- revealing all and sparing no expenses to help the lives of many all over the world. He is a writer, producer, directors, entrepreneur and is the co-founder of American Telecast Corporation.

Steven has created dozens of multi-million dollar companies and authored more than five (5) INTERNATIONAL best sellers. He is also a popular national speaker on personal and professional achievement. Visit his site today!

Books & Others By Steven:

  1. If He Only Knew
  2. For Better of For Best
  3. Hidden Keys To Loving Relationships
  4. Hidden Keys Video Series
  5. Mentored By A Millionaire

In Conclusion- BUT Not Closing:

Get the book! Follow along with me daily as I post my findings and outcomes of adopting the teachings of the youngest King the world has ever seen- and like many after him, the world will always remember.....
See My Blog!