
My photo
Metro Atlanta, Georgia, United States
I live, laugh and love through my naturally sensual nature and I’m very open and a lover of all things created (knowing that its a part of a universal circle that is also a part of me). I love the mental, visual and verbal pleasures in life; The physical pleasures I seek are a result of these needs being met. The literature I compose fall into several different genres, ranging from sublime political to pure erotica. I love playing with words, ideas and concepts. I’m an “artistic voyeur” with an aggressively creative eye for surreal, abstract and erotic art. I love the sensuality, design, curves and details of the human anatomy. My art forms speaks from deep inside me. It has allowed me to be reborn into a new being- who’s life is solely to create and enhance the beauty in all things we have forgotten.

The Esoteric Expression Of Eroticism....

Monday, November 3, 2008

Confirmation Of The Obvious

Signs of who we are and what paths we should take are always present in our day to day lives; It's up to us to hear them- and take them into our spirits and cause things to manifest in our lives according to the plan we have set before us. People who are challenged day-to-day with problems of finance, health, family issues, personal issues, and so forth are not the only "victims of circumstance" that we make them out to be. Your true connection with yourself as a person with real problems, who lives a REAL LIFE is first knowing that you CAN control more in your life than you give yourself credit for.

We have been taught that there are things in your life that you CANNOT control- and that there are things in your life that you are responsible for. For who; and most of all: for what? My only thought could be that we take the time to deprogram ourselves from this train of thought by seeking and educating ourselves on who and what we really are and the power we truly posses to create our own future and dictate our own life's outcome.

EXAMPLE: I have never see a person go through medical school for 8-10 years and not become a Doctor, the same applies for law. Have you? So, if we can set goals and see ourselves being this Doctor or Lawyer- why can't do this with other goals and things in life? Just a thought.


The world is not designed that way- everything is carried out around you in decency and order from the changing of the season- to the growth, education and maturity of our children. Everything exists on levels- you cannot come in this world, and set yourself at the top of the chain of life- UNLESS you come into this world- with every intention on NOT STOPPING until we are there. If you can see yourself- being more- being happier, being healthier-- you have to FIRST SEE THIS HAPPENING IN YOUR LIFE- then listening to the signs around you that will direct you in the direction you should go in order to achieve this successful goal you have set for yourself.

We encounter alot of things in our lifetimes- sorrows through the death of loved ones- depression due to lack of success in our lives- stress from daily living and experiences. Not knowing that we posses the power it takes to manifest a whole new way to look at ourselves, our situations, and the people around us! It's the lack of not being connected with one's self that first
hinders us from being in connection with our gifts to visualize and then manifest these things into existence to better our lives.

We know that death is for certain- no exception to that rule-- you live and you die-- There is no age range- no law on who should live longer than who- NONE OF THAT. We throw ourselves out of alignment with reality when we say that things that are unnecessary-- building this blanket of sorrow that we have created in our lack of the real cause of why the person is not with us anymore. In reality- something prohibited life being able to continue in this person- for whatever reason- they were not able to survive in the body they were given-- do you honestly think that because we wanted them to remain here- that they should have? That you cannot change; BUT your reaction to how you respond to it and the outcome due to you thinking unselfishly is the key to your life getting better and your sorrows being eased.

A loss is a loss right? No matter how big or how small? Well, in reality- YES- but we give everything it's level of importance in our lives which gives us different emotional ties to things and how we react to them. A lie is a lie-- lol. A smile- is a smile. A person is a person. We give titles and descriptions of names to create a difference in how we see each thing and person in our lives. You only know two feelings when you come into this world-- GOOD and BAD. When you couldn't really talk or communicate with your parents as a child- if you cried- they knew you felt bad- or needed something- they assumed hunger, or needing to be changed- cause they were programmed to see things differently and cater to your needs based on definition of these words that were created for these problems. When you laughed or sounded content- all was well in the house yet again- based on them feeling that your needs had been met. You couldn't tell them that they were right- instinct and energy felt from your being gave them the emotional pull to respond to your good or bad feeling with a reaction.


What you do and the definition you give the feelings you have determine your recovery, your redemption, your success... These are feelings that let you know if you're going the right direction and providing yourself with the right visualization of the things that are going on around you- and if you a giving off the correct energy to continue on the right track in your life. We are forces of energy- forces of nature- God Force-- for he created us-- MEANING: we posses powers that we can use to alter any situation- how it is perceived, and handled in our lives. Most of us never see ourselves as being more than what we have become up until this point- not knowing that we can make simple changes starting right now- that will change our lives for the better.

I'm not here to judge you- no one really is here is judge anyone- but the only way you WILL become what you need to be and start living how you are destined to live- is when your visions of you- your life, you health, your situations start speaking louder than that which is in the world around you- and you actual take the time to LISTEN and cater to the them. You are not what you need to be because you are taught limitation-- when life-- your life has NONE...

"Real talk folk!"

Kanday Reign

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