
My photo
Metro Atlanta, Georgia, United States
I live, laugh and love through my naturally sensual nature and I’m very open and a lover of all things created (knowing that its a part of a universal circle that is also a part of me). I love the mental, visual and verbal pleasures in life; The physical pleasures I seek are a result of these needs being met. The literature I compose fall into several different genres, ranging from sublime political to pure erotica. I love playing with words, ideas and concepts. I’m an “artistic voyeur” with an aggressively creative eye for surreal, abstract and erotic art. I love the sensuality, design, curves and details of the human anatomy. My art forms speaks from deep inside me. It has allowed me to be reborn into a new being- who’s life is solely to create and enhance the beauty in all things we have forgotten.

The Esoteric Expression Of Eroticism....

Monday, November 17, 2008

Getting A Little Bit Closer...

Man! This post is waaaay overdue. I'm going to give everyone the low-down about me- I'm not expecting hardly anyone to read this, but JUST IN CASE; I'll make sure that I have this posted somewhere else online. Let's begin at the beginning; shall we?

My Introduction: I am a poet, singer, journalist, abstract/surreal artist, web/ graphics designer, internet marketing specialist, promoter, holistic health & sex coach, couple- family and youth counselor, mother, and much, much, more-- OR just plain Kanday!My reason for posting this, is to sorta give everyone who's taking time to get to know me on this journey a look inside my realm- the type of person I am, my likes, dislikes, and a whole bunch of other crap! lol. As you read above in my introduction- I am capable of doing alot of things, and before I'm done in this lifetime, I'll be known for even more. I'm a head-strong individual, I can be considered stubborn at times, but still, I'm a an energy driven, self-motivated individual. My journey has brought many people in and out of my life, some for good reasons and experiences and others weren't as good as they should have been. The end result in that scenario is that I'm still here, and still willing to live and experience life to the fullest.

Many people ask me lots of questions about me being single, what sexual preference I'm into, and things of that sort- and I will be glad to answer that in this post... I prefer a person who of the human race- gender is not an issue- for the simple fact, in my experience, if a person is going to be anything to you- good or bad- you have to know that person first, and from first encounters and trying to get to know anyone, sexual preferences should not be the main issue. Who I choose to be with in that manner is up to me- and the person I am intimate with in my personal life. SO, you can say- I'd like to keep my personal preference, PRIVATE and PERSONAL! I'm a judge of character, not gender. I'm sensual by nature, so I use the words "hun, sweety, baby" and things of the sort on a regular basis. For this I'm considered a flirt, but it's just in me to use those words.
YES! I am single-nd I'm getting myself in the position to have enough time for that special someone in my future life. Right now, I'm a work in progress and until I'm done or feel satisfied enough to venture out and meet someone on a relationship level- I'd just like to get to know people, connect with them and make sure that my career is where I need it to be.

My hobbies are simple one(s), I think! LOL. I love graphic arts and abstracts, poetry, music (especially live music), media and anything else that allows the person who is creating it a way to express themselves fully. I love using my Kingdoms (talents) to create great things. I have always been creative, and imaginative, so doing what I do both for a living and a hobby is right up my alley. I believe that the Creator gave me the talents he has- and I should use them to the fullest so that I will be happy in all aspects of my life. I'm always encouraging others to follow their dreams and not be afraid of who they can become- it's talent hidden in all of us- some know they have them, others have yet to find theirs.

If I had to find the correct words to describe me and the type of life I live- they would be: honest, upfront, blunt, creative, intelligent, energetic, emotional, educated, expressive, dominate, savvy, sensual, sexual, open-minded, selfless, stubborn, laid back, natural, nonchalant, introverted- extrovert, down-to-earth, determined, hard working, dedicated, funny, talented, playful, affectionate, aggressive, observant, opinionated, supportive, business minded, self aware, self motivated, and consistent- these are the types of people that keep my interest in my life's walk. So, if we have came into acquaintance, then you possess over 5 of these qualities- and that's why we have came into contact with each other. If you at any point during this acquaintance, lose any of these- it will definitely show through our contact. I have set my guidelines in life with who I communicate with and they are not high, but I know what energy I want around me and what type of people I would like to share my life with.

All-in-all, if you find this message to not be enough information on me- feel free to ask me any questions and I will be glad to answer them to the best of my ability. I enjoy meeting and experiencing new people and new things- so, who knows-- my list may get longer! Much love to those who have supported me so far- and a warm welcome to those who are new comers in my life. I appreciate the support and kindness shown from everyone- and I appreciate the haters too! "Life is given to live-- why not do it to the fullest?"

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